August 5, 2013 ABC 12 News Flint, Michigan
KUAC FM 89.9 Radio story that aired on 6/28/2013. Listen to the recovery team talk about the recovery of Sandbar Mitchell on site.
WHMI FM 93.5 Radio story that aired on 4/24/2013. Listen to Patrick and 15 year old Logan Kucharek talk about the recovery.
Online WarbirdRadio story that aired on 4/24/2013. Listen to Matt Jolley interview Patrick and Todd.
The recovery of Sandbar Mitchell was filimed for the exciting new television series "The Restorers". The show produced by Hemlock Films will be about warbird and vintage aircraft restorers and the planes they resurrect from the graves of history. Now available on DVD and Blu-ray in the museums online store.