Patrick Mihalek
Museum Director / Head of Restoration
Warbirds Of Glory Museum
57751 Pontiac Trail, Hangar 2
New Hudson, MI 48165
Warbirds of Glory Museum is an IRS 501(c)3 organization. Please visit Guidestar for official details.
Warbirds of Glory, Kittyhawk Academy, and Guardians of History are trademarks and service marks of the Warbirds of Glory Museum. All ©Copyright material is owned by the Warbirds of Glory Museum. 2020
Warbirds of Glory, Kittyhawk Academy, and Guardians of History are trademarks and service marks of the Warbirds of Glory Museum. All ©Copyright material is owned by the Warbirds of Glory Museum. 2020
Warbirds of Glory Museum is an IRS 501(c)3 organization. Please visit Guidestar for official details.
Warbirds of Glory, Kittyhawk Academy, and Guardians of History are trademarks and service marks of the Warbirds of Glory Museum. All ©Copyright material is owned by the Warbirds of Glory Museum. 2020
Warbirds of Glory, Kittyhawk Academy, and Guardians of History are trademarks and service marks of the Warbirds of Glory Museum. All ©Copyright material is owned by the Warbirds of Glory Museum. 2020