Sandbar Mitchell Warbird of Glory Museum

Guardians of History
Item Details for
Exterior Flush Rivets
- Bombardier Nose - $1

The B-25 is built with many thousands of rivets. Flush rivets are typically found on the exterior skin panels where wind resistence needs to be minimized. Flush rivets are also known as countersunk rivets.

Rosie the Riveter was made famous during World War II because women were called upon to work in the aircraft factories bucking rivets while the men were at war.

Collectively, there are thousands of rivets in our B-25. You may purchase any number of rivets. Ideal for the young aviation enthusiast or any one that wants to be a Guardian of History but can only afford a few dollars. Your recognition page will display a typical rivet that represents the basic collection of flush rivets found on the exterior of the B-25.

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